Saturday, July 27, 2019

17 Ways to Improve SEO Google Rankings in 2019

1.       The Concept Of LSI Keywords

·         LSI Keywords In Content

We need to understand what LSI keywords are. Simply put, LSI keywords, short for ‘Latent Semantic Indexing’ keywords are words that are related to the primary keyword. LSI keywords are not only mere synonyms of the targeted keywords but they are words that draw meaning from the keywords itself and add quality to the entire content. And as a matter of fact, LSI keywords also help search engine crawlers to comprehend the topic better.
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·         LSI Keywords In The Title And The Meta Description

This is pretty obvious as well as effective. Just like the primary keyword(s), using LSI keywords in the Meta Description and the Title of the write-up will increase the visibility of the content by helping Google to distinguish it from other mediocre content.

2.       Quality Of Affiliated Links

Quality of affiliated links does not make a difference in the SEO rankings ‘directly’. However, in case such links are in excess, Google checks the quality of other elements on the webpage and eventually passes its judgment which ultimately affects the SEO rankings of the page.

3.       Errors in HTML

Error(s) in the HTML coding of a webpage or website indicates that the site or page is of low quality. This is considered as a big downside by Google and affects the EO rankings.
Sloppy coding and HTML errors are signs of poor quality the site and many SEO experts have the opinion that it’s a major sign of weakness.

4.       Significance Of Domain Authority

Assuming all the other elements are constant, a webpage on an authoritative domain will get a higher ranking and preference as compared to domains with little to nil authority.
5.       Page Rank Algorithm

Before moving forward with this point, you need to understand what Google’s ‘PageRank’ is. PageRank is essentially Google’s algorithm that determines the rank of various websites based on several elements. It was named after Larry Page, one of the company’s co-founders. Earlier, webpages with higher PR used to rank higher in the search results. However, this is not true now as Google has stopped updating its PageRank algorithm.
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6.       Use shorter URLs

URL length should ideally be short and crisp. The reason being that shorter URLs are easier to remember and recall as compared to longer URLs. This directly affects the SEO rankings.

7.       URL Path

It is a known fat that the pages closer to the homepage get an additional boost in the SEO rankings.

8.       Human Editing

Not long ago, it was discovered that a system made by Google allowed human editors to influence the SERP, that is, Search Engine Result Pages. However, it has not been confirmed yet.

9.       Significance Of Page Category

When it comes down to the SEO rankings, the page category matters a lot. Pages that are closely related to the search query or are in the same category as the searched query will obviously get a higher page ranking than the webpages that are deemed irrelevant by the search engine.

1     Significance Of WordPress Tags

As per experts, WordPress tags have shown to boost page rankings in search results. It simply makes different pieces of write-ups and posts related to each other.

11.   Customizing The URL
·         Use Keywords In The URL
Try and put keywords in the page URL. This boosts SEO rankings by making the content more relevant and more visible in the Google search engine.

·         Google Reads URL Strings
Google’s algorithm reads the categories mentioned in the URL string. This sends Google signals about the webpage’s theme and thus making the website more trustworthy.

12.   Significance Of Source Links
The quality of any content can be judged by its source links and even by its sitting references that are at the very end of the write-up. The quality guidelines stated by Google clearly mention that reviewers have to keep a tab on the sources when checking specific pages. This, however, has not been confirmed by Google as a parameter for SEO rankings. Anyway, the quality aspect can be used for boosting the rankings of the desired webpage because in the end content quality is what matters.

13.   Significance Of A Sitemap
The site map of a website holds importance when it comes to boosting the ranking of certain pages. The priority of the pages in the sitemap.xml file makes the difference. The pages are given more priority get a boost in rankings.

14.   The Concept Of Page Age
Page age means nothing when it comes to SEO rankings. A new page will get better rankings obviously but relatively older pages with regular updates and quality content will get better SEO rankings in search engines.

15.   Make Layouts User-Friendly
As many of you may already know by now, Google promotes user-friendly elements on a webpage. This enables visitors to be hooked on the page for longer durations. Thus, eventually improving the ranking of the page on search engines. It is, therefore, suggested to always try and make the website layout user-friendly.

16.   Create Helpful Content
For those who underestimate the power of the Google algorithm, it is time to reevaluate your views. Google can easily differentiate quality content and ‘helpful content’. Thus creating content that has a high utility rating is really important.

17.   MicroFormats
Microformats are essentially standardized markups that use regular HTML and XHTML tags for other purposes like conveying surplus metadata. The webpages that support such formats are automatically ranked higher than webpages that do not. Webpages with microformat support also have a greater click-through rate (CTR) on the SERP.


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